Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Had a ball doing "Valentine Angel Portraits" last week. It was the first time I've offered three different type wings and sets. I've got a few appointments this week. Call 256.927.6453 if you want to reserve your time. Then next week, hopefully, we'll be putting down a wood floor in the studio and there'll be no shooting appointments til that monumental task is completed. Here are a few scenes from last Saturday. Don't they look precious!

Monday, January 18, 2010

We'll be having a Valentine Special from now til the end of January with three different angel scenes. Photos will be back for Valentines Day. Here's a few samples of our three types of angel wings. The collage are all siblings from one family. Each child was brought in at the age of 2 for his/her angel portrait and then had this collage made with one portrait from each child's session.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm backing up a little in time here, because you can obviously see that these photos were taken in the fall, before Christmas and before this snowy weather. I've been wanting to post them, though. John Randall is eight years old and we had a ball during this photo session. Seems a lot of people don't do portrait sessions of their children as often after they get school age, yet every age is precious and unique.